Can the seeds of love blossom in a world divided by war?
It’s 1942 and with men away fighting Hitler, Pearl, like many young English women of her time, is afforded an unusual opportunity to help the war effort – whetting her appetite for a life that is more than tending house and children. Rod is a Canadian laboratory technician awaiting deployment to the front lines with his hospital unit. Finding romance is not on either of their minds but when their paths cross, they are forced to face up to their conflicted hearts while navigating their separate war-torn worlds. A great read from a tender and vividly presented historical time.
More than a love story this WWII historical fiction saga and romance was inspired by a war bride’s true story and follows the path of the Number 10 Canadian General Hospital as it is deployed to the front lines.

What lengths would you go to for love?
A Ring of Promises was inspired by genealogical research into my paternal grandparents’ immigration story.
When you hear things like
“he was a footman at Buckingham Palace”, “he missed the Titanic”, and “he stole a canoe and paddled 600 km against the flow of the Hayes River system to escape worker mistreatment” you know there is a story that needs to be investigated.
When the investigation uncovers a heart-wrenching tale of romance, adventure and tragedy it simply has to be told.
The original poetry of the real William Parker is woven into the story … listen to this sample of one of the poems that he later set to music. This was recorded by the talented Canadian singer/songwriter using the original score.
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Signed copies are also available direct from author: https://www.ecwid.com/store/authormariegage/
Book Description:
She grew up believing her grandparents had transitioned easily from the Highlands of Scotland and England to Canada in the 1910s. What she found in her father’s attic revealed an unbelievable saga full of romance and abiding love coupled with unbelievable tragedy. Their struggle against adversity to be together inspires one to ask, “What would I do for the sake of love?”
Will was a lowly footman to an Earl in England, Janet a nanny to a Lord and Lady in the Highlands of Scotland. They knew their hearts but were separated by distance and duty: Will in England, Janet in Scotland. Desperate to find a way to be together, Will gives up everything he knows and sets sail for Canada, with $25 in his pocket, expecting a short separation. It was not to be.
This gripping and heartfelt story traces their journeys, in back and forth chapters between Canada and the Highlands of Scotland, as they struggle with the help of Janet’s sister Mary Ann to overcome the obstacles threatening their dreams. Inspired by a true story, this Historical Fiction Saga was described as “unputdownable” by Digital Arts and Entertainment Reporter, Margaret Chrystall of Highland News and Media, Scotland.
Literary Titan review states: “A Ring of Promises is a romance novel that transcends genres and offers readers much more depth and emotion than your typical love story. Time and distance play an integral role in Gage’s work. The author keeps romance alive with Janet and Will. Not many books maintain the integrity of the characters’ love and dedication like this one.”