Monthly Family History Prompt

The wetland area.

It’s a bright sunny day as I sit and write at my desk overlooking the rear of our home and the neighbouring wetland. Earlier it looked bleary with grey skies and a dusting of fog drifting here and there as the wind gently ruffled the fingers of mist. I was up before the sun crested the horizon, listening as the birds woke and began calling to one another. The birds have now settled and quiet has returned. It’s a peaceful time of day in my neighbourhood and a joy to sip on my tea as I listen and watch. I hope you have someplace where nature can nurture your inner being.

My life has been busy in the past month with things that have kept me away from writing. I am edging myself back into the story I am working on, the sequel to “Promise of the Bluebell Woods”. The time away has helped me to realize where some rewriting will enhance the enjoyment of my readers. While I wasn’t writing I was hearing the characters nudge me in slightly different directions as I pondered where to take them next. I believe the story will now flow better. But on to the purpose of today’s blog.

It’s time for you to sit and write another small vignette about your life. Remember, it’s not how well you write, or speak if you prefer to record, that matters. It is only important that you take the time to do it and make sure someone knows where to find it after you are gone and unable to direct them.

Today’s Prompt:

Think of an important event that has happened in your recent life. I’ve already written this one. As you may remember I wrote about the death of the woman who inspired the character of Pearl. She was my mother-in-law and someone who greatly influenced my life. What event has happened in your life recently that is meaningful to you? Don’t stop to worry about whether it’s important to others, all that matters is that you capture it. Things you don’t find monumental may be much more significant to others in the future. I treasure the canoe trip my grandfather took the time to document in journal form in 1914. And now so many others have taken that journey with him as they read “A Ring of Promises.” Just write or record how it affected you. Remember to include how the event affected your 5 senses, perhaps even include the sixth sense if you have one.

Several people have contacted me to let me know they are following along and using the prompts to further the capturing of their life stories. Thanks for those notes and please keep up the work and the contact.

If you know others who would benefit from following along have them sign up for my blog (newsletter) at They will be notified when I do another posting and even receive a couple of gifts should they wish. One gift is the short booklet I produced to help people interview others in their lives whose stories matter to them and the second is a short story I recently wrote that was inspired by my mother’s birth story. If you are already on my contact list and wish to receive either of these documents please let me know and I will direct you to the source.

Take care and enjoy the fall weather and the cavalcade of colour … It’s just starting in my neighbourhood and it’s one of my favourite times of year.




  1. Brenda Peddigrew

    Marie, this reflection is encouraging and engaging…it is already getting me back to my own memoir, which I have neglected for a few months. Thanks so so munch…

    • Glad it is serving the purpose of getting you back to your memoir as I can’t wait to read it!

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